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  • Writer's pictureKayla Monson

Bless this Mess

If your home is anything like ours, there are remnants of the days activities everywhere.

Dirty dishes tell the story of simple meals shared.

Baby dolls and trucks tell the stories of grand adventures had.

Coloring crayons and old strips of construction paper speak of our toddlers expansive imagination always creating something out of nothing.

As we look around our home these days, we see the stories of our day written in the couch cushions askew, the blankets draped making comforting forts, old play dough mixing with cracker crumbs scattered across the floor.

And though at first, this mess causes us to sigh... to see only another obstacle to tackle before the days end. Lately before tidying up the chaos we've tried to soak in all the stories our mess shares.

To see the pile of dishes and remember the nourishing food we shared together around the table.

To see the mountain of duplos scattered across the floor and remember the imagination of our toddler as he created mowers and castles galore.

To see the mess as a message, written with layers of love.

So tonight, perhaps, you too join us in remembering the stories your own home shares.

For while the frustrations of having to clean up the toys, the dishes, the stuff, yet another time, is so very real, so are the stories, the adventures, the meals, the messages of love you shared today.

Holy God,

We give thanks for the ways you show up in the stories and adventures, the meals and mess of daily life. As we come to the close of another day, frustrated with all that needs attention and tending, help us to also pause and remember the stories we shared this day. To see written amid our mess a message of love, a reminder of your presence with us always. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

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