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Meet Kayla (she/her/hers)

I am an ELCA Lutheran Pastor and mom of two littles. 


Since my pastoral imagination began to develop at the young age of four when I gathered with a congregation of stuffed animals and Barbies, I have sought out opportunities to learn from others the stories of faith. In doing so, I have met a faithful and grace-filled God who meets us in the midst of ordinary life to strengthen within us our call to love the world God has made. 


Throughout my life as I navigated new communities, schools, and expressions of being God's church together, I realized that at the core of my being was a deep hunger for community and a deep curiosity for meeting God in these ordinary and sacred moments of life.


As I traveled into adulthood, becoming both a pastor and a parent, I have sought to take risks: to fail, learn, re-imagine, and try again, knowing that what is at the center of my identity is the promise God makes in the waters of my baptism-- that we are loved. Always. Forever. 


So these days whether you find me gathering with others around a knee high table with coloring crayons and peanut butter crackers, on a picnic blanket near the waters edge, or adorned with a shoulder burp rag or my pastoral vestments, I am seeking to live in that spirit. To live knowing that God meets us right where we are, in the midst of everyday life, to remind us that all of creation is so deeply loved by God and we are called to join in God's creative and redeeming love for the world. 


This blog seeks to capture how the Spirit has been showing up in my ordinary life as mom and pastor. In it I seek to curate a space to reflect on where God is showing up in the midst of everyday life. So come, let us be Gathered Together: by the Water, in the Word, and at the Table. Let us become curious to reflect and learn, re-imagine and explore what it means to be God's church together, wherever we are.






The beliefs and opinions expressed in this blog are mine alone. 

If you'd like to use/share any of these stories, please contact me below. 











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